COFA Annual 2012

New Years Eve 2030, 2010
  • Livre Light, 2010

  • Ornately Blockular Typeface, 2010

  • Reef Retreat Project, 2011

  • Black & White Magazine, 2010

  • Viet Kong, 2011

  • Revolt , 2012

  • Superhero Posters, 2012

  • Temporaty Holder Page, 2011

  • Everest Logo & Illustrations, 2010

  • New Years Eve 2030, 2010

  • Wooden Bear 2012

  • Colour And Line Experiments 2012

  • Oriental Flavoured Noodles, 2011

  • Remnants 2012

  • Re Construct, 2011

  • Disoriental City, 2011

  • Escargot, 2012

  • Constructive 3 D, 2011

Sam Shennan

Bachelor of Design

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New Years Eve 2030, 2010

Redesign the festivities for the NYE in Circular Quay 2030, the sea has risen 5m and there are to be no fireworks. We created a giant person, Clancy, in the quay taking a bath and the water was overflowing like Archimedes did.

Read my resume

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