COFA Annual 2012

Pageant Beauties
  • First World Problems   With The Best Of Intentions (2012)

  • First World Problems   The Extremely Hazardous Food Factory (2012)

  • Pageant Beauties

  • Spoilt Royal (2011)

  • Moon & Sun (2012)

  • Character Design   Pt 1 (2012)

  • Character Design   Pt 2 (2012)

  • First World Problems   A Pill For Every Ill (2012)

  • Character Design   Pt 3a (2012)

  • Character Design   Pt 3b (2012)

Victoria Moey

Bachelor of Digital Media

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Pageant Beauties

A series of caricature portraits done as artwork for a proposed animation. Each one symbolises different aspects of the world of child pageantry.

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