COFA Annual 2012

Housebound (2011)
  • Imaginary Cities (2011)

  • Housebound (2011)

  • Womb To Move (2011)

  • Half Time Show (2012)   Rocket Collective

  • Rocket Retreat (2012)   Rocket Collective

  • Chain Reaction: I Came, I Sawed, I Conquered (2012)

  • Bamboozle (2012)

  • Dialectic (2012)

  • Desert Diver (2012)

  • Bling Bling Dumping (2012)

  • The Birthday Party (2012)

  • 24 Carrot Gold (2012)   Rocket Collective

  • Bling Bling Dumping

  • Re: Construction

  • Max Liquid Level

  • Russell And Maple Withers   Smiths Lakes Follies

Beth Dillon

Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Housebound (2011)

Collaborative work performed with Gabrielle Dillon as part of the 2011 Sydney Fringe. A performance exploring the tension between conflicting states of comfort and frustration induced by extended periods of domestic activity.

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