COFA Annual 2012

Rocket Retreat (2012)   Rocket Collective
  • Imaginary Cities (2011)

  • Housebound (2011)

  • Womb To Move (2011)

  • Half Time Show (2012)   Rocket Collective

  • Rocket Retreat (2012)   Rocket Collective

  • Chain Reaction: I Came, I Sawed, I Conquered (2012)

  • Bamboozle (2012)

  • Dialectic (2012)

  • Desert Diver (2012)

  • Bling Bling Dumping (2012)

  • The Birthday Party (2012)

  • 24 Carrot Gold (2012)   Rocket Collective

  • Bling Bling Dumping

  • Re: Construction

  • Max Liquid Level

  • Russell And Maple Withers   Smiths Lakes Follies

Beth Dillon

Bachelor of Fine Arts

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ROCKET Retreat (2012) - ROCKET Collective

In March 2012, ROCKET Collective hosted a live art and community lunch weekend at First Draft Dept, Woolloomooloo. Guests were treated to an extravagant raw food buffet, life mastery and personal energy management lessons from Dr. Fanny Fetal and Raw Chi stretching.

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