COFA Annual 2012

Post Travel Memory Distortion   Madrid, Notting Hill, Paris
  • "Peter Was Most Dreadfully Frightened"

  • "Ate Carrots"

  • Post Travel Memory Distortion   Venice, Cinque Terre, Paris

  • Post Travel Memory Distortion   Madrid, Notting Hill, Paris

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • King Of All Wild Things

Emily Julia Naudi

Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Post Travel Memory Distortion - Madrid, Notting Hill, Paris

This artwork explores the notion of travel memory distortion. It attempts to visualize how memories made during high density travel look post travel. It blurs the lines between the reality of the travel and the embellished or blurred memory left afterwards.

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