COFA Annual 2012

Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail
  • "Peter Was Most Dreadfully Frightened"

  • "Ate Carrots"

  • Post Travel Memory Distortion   Venice, Cinque Terre, Paris

  • Post Travel Memory Distortion   Madrid, Notting Hill, Paris

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • King Of All Wild Things

Emily Julia Naudi

Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Of Inspiration and Memory - Detail

This 6m long scroll is the illustration of a dream in which a young boy finds himself travelling through famous artworks. This work highlights processes of the imagination, dreams and childhood while commenting on the importance of art education in early and primary education and how this effects us later on in adulthood. This detail references Katshushika Hokusai and Botticelli.

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