COFA Annual 2012

Spectres (Still #2)
  • Bride (Installation Still)

  • This Just In (Still)

  • Dreambox (Still)

  • This Just In (Installation Still)

  • Light Year   Moderation

  • Bride (Still)

  • Spectres (Still #1)

  • Spectres (Still #3)

  • Spectres (Still #2)

  • Bride

  • Bride (Video Installation)

  • Dreambox

  • Light Year   Moderation

  • This Just In (Excerpt)

  • This Just In (Installation)

  • Spectres (Excerpt)


Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Spectres (still #2)

The name ‘Spectre’, derives from the appearance of the beings depicted in the work as ghostly apparitions, whereby the composition raises questions about reality and illusion, creating an uncertain relationship between the viewer and said beings. The work is also a comment on the paradigm shift in the way we view artworks today. The digital medium is exponentially becoming more and more prominent, currently coursing through a transition period between old technologies and new ones - there are a few symbols to suggest this. First, the use of paper in the film weaves the idea of society becoming less dependent on paper to communicate their idea. Also, the digital depiction of the work highlights how technology has evolved to its current form today, thus weaving these two ideas together. It could also be said that our digital world has brought us intangible art mediums to our screens - similarly to the apparitions of the beings - breaking down the barrier between what is real and what isn't.

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