COFA Annual 2012

Salmydessus (After The Deaths Of The Gods)
  • Encounters (35 Minutes)

  • Salmydessus (After The Deaths Of The Gods)

  • Encounter (35 Minutes)

  • Laugh #1

  • Laugh #2

  • The Redub

  • The Fates

  • Salmydessus (After The Deaths Of The Gods)

Minjee Son

Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Salmydessus (After the deaths of the gods)

2012 Video still Salmydessus (After the death of the gods) combines Greek mythologies with ideas found in Existentialism. The sense of burden, anxiety and isolation that stem from the idea of self-determined fate are explored as the blinded protagonist aimlessly struggle against her surroundings in an environment of seeming freedom.

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