COFA Annual 2012

‘Non Compos Mentis’ Typeface
  • 'Staged' Light

  • 'Brain Matter'

  • 'Brain Matter'

  • 'Staged' Light

  • 'Paradise: Four Fold’

  • ‘Video Star’

  • ‘Video Star’

  • ‘Surry Hills In Habitat’

  • ‘Non Compos Mentis’ Typeface

  • ‘Non Compos Mentis’ Typeface

  • ‘Nesting’ Textile Range

  • ‘Nesting’ Textile Range

  • ‘Nesting’ Textile Range

  • 'Leaf Grille' From The Series 'Patterned Cities'

  • 'Hive' From The Series 'Patterned Cities'

  • 'Stop, Watch.' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • 'Second Hand' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • Timelines.' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • 'Nick Of Time' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • 'Playtime' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • 'Hourglass' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • Stop, Watch.

Sarah May Byrne

Bachelor of Design

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‘Non compos mentis’ typeface

This typeface design is inspired by the issue of media over-saturation. The forms relate to the messiness and complications technology can create.

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