COFA Annual 2012

‘Nesting’ Textile Range
  • 'Staged' Light

  • 'Brain Matter'

  • 'Brain Matter'

  • 'Staged' Light

  • 'Paradise: Four Fold’

  • ‘Video Star’

  • ‘Video Star’

  • ‘Surry Hills In Habitat’

  • ‘Non Compos Mentis’ Typeface

  • ‘Non Compos Mentis’ Typeface

  • ‘Nesting’ Textile Range

  • ‘Nesting’ Textile Range

  • ‘Nesting’ Textile Range

  • 'Leaf Grille' From The Series 'Patterned Cities'

  • 'Hive' From The Series 'Patterned Cities'

  • 'Stop, Watch.' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • 'Second Hand' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • Timelines.' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • 'Nick Of Time' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • 'Playtime' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • 'Hourglass' From The Series 'Eigenzeit'

  • Stop, Watch.

Sarah May Byrne

Bachelor of Design

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‘Nesting’ textile range

‘Nesting’ from the collaged textile range entitled ‘Nesting’. This paper work is collaged using photographs of human skin. The use of transparency highlights the concept of humanity’s diversion from nature.

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