COFA Annual 2012

Mid Range Package
  • Low End Package

  • Accessories Package

  • Mid Range Package

  • Textile Component Of High End Package

  • Trihard Packaging

Elyce Owens

Bachelor of Design

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Mid Range Package

This solution is the mid range package. This package is for items between 30 and 70 $. Therefore it needed to be something substantial and the customer needs to feel like they’re getting something free with their purchase. So I decided to design this package to be a wearable, with influences of the furoshiki bag. These prints have been printed with vegetable based ink which are made with vegetable oil, such as soybean or linseed oil and is used as a substitute for petroleum. They significantly reduce the amount of ozone depleting Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) released into the air during printing. The reason for using hollow forms and dots in the motifs is to reduce the amount of ink used in production as well as maintaining a quality aesthetic.

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