COFA Annual 2012

Mementos Of The Lost 'Importants'
  • Woman As Nature

  • Woman As Nature (Detail)

  • Round Trip

  • Round Trip (Detail)

  • Remember Me

  • Remember Me (Detail)

  • All Of My Memories Are Based On Who And What I Am

  • All Of My Memories Are Based On Who And What I Am

  • Mementos Of The Lost 'Importants'

Elizabeth Burrell

Bachelor of Fine Arts / Bachelor of Arts

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Mementos of the Lost 'Importants'

This is a memorial to the moments that never make it into our long term memories. These are the occasions that fill us will overwhelming emotion and immobilse us with feeling. Life is made up of emotional experiences; so many that we could never recall them all. Not all of these occasions can be stored in our memories and many slip through the cracks to disappear forever. Silk, dye, wire, thread

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