COFA Annual 2012

Three Face (2011)
  • Chargrilled (2012)

  • Chargrilled (2012)

  • Chargrilled (2012)

  • Burnout (2012)

  • Burnout (2012)

  • Snuggouflage (2012)

  • Snuggouflage (2012)

  • Eye Pod (2011)

  • Three Face (2011)

  • Mechanicum (2011)

  • Mechanicum (2011)

  • Untitled

Kyle Morgan

Bachelor of Fine Arts

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Three-Face (2011)

Sculpted in modelling clay and subsequently reworked in wax to create a mutated triad of faces that was attached to a wooden plaque and attached to the wall.

Read my resume

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