COFA Annual 2012

The Old City
  • The Old City

  • Dying In India

  • Life Drawing

  • Beach

  • Screen Print Repeat

  • Wallpaper   Jellyfish

  • Beach

  • Wallpaper   Coordinate 2

  • Life Drawing

  • Wallpaper   Texture

  • Football

  • Kite Flying Festival

  • Contemporary Bandhani

  • Wallpaper   Coordinate 1

  • Beach

  • Beach

  • Beach

  • Beach

  • Typeface Design

  • Major Project

  • Honours

  • The Old City

  • The Old City

  • The Old City

Nicole Crouch

Bachelor of Design

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The Old City

This photograph was taken in The Old City of Ahmedabad, India in January of 2012.

Read my resume

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