COFA Annual 2012

Little Paradise
  • Pink Things

  • Pink Things (Detail)

  • Pink Things (Detail)

  • Pink Things (Detail)

  • Pink Things (Detail)

  • Orange Origins: India, 7,000 Ago

  • Orange Origins

  • Orange Origins: Middle East (Under Calphite Rule), 7th Century Ce

  • Orange Origins: Brazil, Current Largest Exporter Of Oranges Worldwide

  • Orange Origins: Europe, 16th Century Ce

  • Orange Origins: China, Beginning Of The 1st Century Millennium

  • Orange Origins: North Africa, 1st Century Ce

  • Little Paradise

  • Little Paradise (Detail)

  • Defacement

  • Defacement

  • Defacement

  • Defacement

  • Defacement

  • Defacement

  • Defacement

  • Defacement

  • Defacement

Emma Barry (Em B)

Bachelor of Art Education

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Little Paradise

Gaudy images of Genesis printed in a 1970's children's bible. The CMYK printing process has been replicated by drawing on glass plates. What sort of description of paradise is this? Glass, bic markers, 8cm x 12cm.

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