COFA Annual 2012

Woman Warrior 2 (Detail)
  • All The World's A Stage

  • Woman Warrior 1

  • Woman Warrior 1 (Front)

  • Woman Warrior 1 (Back)

  • Woman Warrior 2

  • Woman Warrior 2 (Front)

  • Woman Warrior 2 (Detail)

  • Woman Warrior: Tumour (Jewellery Piece)

  • Woman Warrior: Pockmarks (Jewellery Piece)

  • Bake Me Happy

  • From The Ashes

  • Seduction

  • Captured

Angela Hong

Bachelor of Design / Bachelor of Art Education

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Woman Warrior 2 (detail)

This project tells the story of the woman warrior... It tells the story of strength and fragility. Of the fighter and the vulnerable seeking protection. Of empowerment and loss of femininity. Women are at war with breast cancer, constantly fighting for survival and freedom from the growth of cancerous cells and the parasitic overtaking of the body of land and the flag of their femininity. They must become warriors and band together to join the fight for breast cancer awareness and win the spoils of war to fuel research into its prevention and cure. But for some the strength is hidden beneath a fragile façade and decaying vessel seeking solace in the safety of protective armour. Many carry their battle scars with pride but for many the casualties of war bring about the pain of loss and psychological trauma. Designed for the National Breast Cancer Foundation: Fashion Targets Breast Cancer Paper and Fabric

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