COFA Annual 2012

  • All The World's A Stage

  • Woman Warrior 1

  • Woman Warrior 1 (Front)

  • Woman Warrior 1 (Back)

  • Woman Warrior 2

  • Woman Warrior 2 (Front)

  • Woman Warrior 2 (Detail)

  • Woman Warrior: Tumour (Jewellery Piece)

  • Woman Warrior: Pockmarks (Jewellery Piece)

  • Bake Me Happy

  • From The Ashes

  • Seduction

  • Captured

Angela Hong

Bachelor of Design / Bachelor of Art Education

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Fashion is an institutionalised system and luxury brands, in particular, can make us feel like we can become part of another world if we possess their products. My aim for this piece was to capture the seduction and the complete takeover of fashion and luxury in a person's life, where they can have all this designer merchandise but nothing else. They live and breathe these products and are controlled by them. The world of luxury is a seductive place, where you continue to give into the temptation, buying and buying and buying until you have nothing else. Canon EOS Kiss X4, Adobe Photoshop

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