COFA Annual 2012

The Homeless
  • The Bag, 2012

  • Color To Black & White, 2011

  • The Painting Box,2011

  • Dna #1

  • Dna #2

  • Dna #3

  • The Homeless

  • Stack Of Paintings

  • Nice To Meet You

Nathan May

Bachelor of Fine Arts

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The Homeless

exploration of poverty and homelessness, main concept was exploring how people take little notice of those in need, even though sometimes we do good deeds as a group, when faced individually the concept changes. To further push my idea, i placed these life size cardboard figures out in public in order to record and capture the reactions of people, although faced with a little prejudice from private companies and a bit of confusion from the public the installation was rather successful in achieving what it was meant to do.The overall work consisted of 2 life size cardboard cut outs of homeless people busking for money in front of their scrap made house

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