COFA Annual 2012

Movement Through Space And Time (Arrow [Detail])
  • Movement Through Space And Time (Space)

  • Movement Through Space And Time (Arrow [Detail])

  • Movement Through Space And Time (Four Seasons)

  • Movement Through Space And Time (Four Seasons [Detail])

  • Movement Through Space And Time (Time [Detail])

  • 1v+1v=2v

  • Mother Nature's Gown (Sample)

  • Paradise Lost And Found

  • Sarcastic Plastic Brooch

  • Growing Pains

  • Be Always Cautious

  • Be Always Cautious [Detail]

Tanama Naidoo

Bachelor of Design / Bachelor of Art Education

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Movement Through Space and Time (Arrow [Detail])

Site specific textile lace like arrow, designed to be used within a public space in Surry Hills. This piece aims to attract viewer attention to items of historical significance which they may pass every day, and give little thought towards. Viewed from a a far, details of both the monument accentuating and the textiles piece itself become apparent, reinforcing the idea that by looking a little closer we might discover more than we bargained for. 110cm x 90cm

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