COFA Annual 2012

Shadows And Delusions   2012
  • Footpath Sculpture Tour   2011

  • Spy In The Coffee Machine   2011

  • Bopdot   2012

  • Connecting You Now

  • Community   2011

  • Smoke And Mirrors

  • All Is Forgiven

  • Pamiec (Polish For Remembrance)

  • The Ties We Wear   2011

  • Co A, What The F?

  • Shadows And Delusions   2012

Melanie Crawford

Bachelor of Art Education

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Shadows and Delusions - 2012

“The competitive life is a lonely one and its satisfactions short-lived, for each race only leads to a new one” (Slater, 1970, p. 9). Shadows and Delusions is about body image, beauty and consumerism. It is about the harsh realities and the warped ideas our society has about 'the body beautiful'. This installation is a sculptural piece made from earphones. While it rotates there are voices if you lean in close to the earphones, these represent our own inner monologue influenced by ideals in advertising, social and mass media and heightened by our perceptions of self. The projected video takes on female body shapes abstracted with and morphing as the sculpture rotates.

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