COFA Annual 2012

King Of All Wild Things
  • "Peter Was Most Dreadfully Frightened"

  • "Ate Carrots"

  • Post Travel Memory Distortion   Venice, Cinque Terre, Paris

  • Post Travel Memory Distortion   Madrid, Notting Hill, Paris

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • Of Inspiration And Memory   Detail

  • King Of All Wild Things

Emily Julia Naudi

Bachelor of Fine Arts

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King of all Wild Things

This artwork is focused upon the relationship between picture book narratives and illustrations. Drawing inspiration from a number of well-known picture books the work attempts to redefine the narratives which they have been taken. It encompasses the use of both images and text and encourages the use of child-like curiosity and imagination.

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