COFA Annual 2012

Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]
  • Shadow On The Wall [Inside Cover]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Inside Cover]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Opening Spread]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Last Page Of The Book]

Tara Nikolin

Bachelor of Design

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Shadow on the Wall [pages from the book]

The young girl feels helpless and only wants her mother to be happy again. She wants to protect her. "Sometimes she will sit in front of the television for hours, even though it isn't turned on. Other times I catch her crying but she tells me that it's just a bad headache that won't go away. I'm not sure if I believe her. I wish I could pick her up and holder safe in the palms of my hands, away from anything that could possibly hurt her. The Shadow is up to her knees now."

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