COFA Annual 2012

Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]
  • Shadow On The Wall [Inside Cover]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Inside Cover]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Opening Spread]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Last Page Of The Book]

Tara Nikolin

Bachelor of Design

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Shadow on the Wall [pages from the book]

The young girl explains how it hurts her to see her mother hurting from the Shadow. It is very difficult for children to see the one they love suffering from something they don't quite understand.

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