COFA Annual 2012

Shadow On The Wall [Last Page Of The Book]
  • Shadow On The Wall [Inside Cover]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Inside Cover]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Opening Spread]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Last Page Of The Book]

Tara Nikolin

Bachelor of Design

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Shadow on the Wall [last page of the book]

In the previous pages, methods of coping and dealing with depression are explored, with the whole family getting involved to provide a united front. The ending of the book is a realistic and hopeful one. "Slowly with time, the Shadow started fading away. The stronger mum felt and the more support we gave her, the less strength the Shadow had to hold on with! At first mum would only pretend to smile but now her laugh could light up a room! There's only a tiny piece of the Shadow left with her now and I don't think it will ever go away. That's okay though, because now we're ready for it...and when you love someone to the moon and back, you put up a pretty big fight."

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