COFA Annual 2012

Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]
  • Shadow On The Wall [Inside Cover]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Inside Cover]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Opening Spread]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Pages From The Book]

  • Shadow On The Wall [Last Page Of The Book]

Tara Nikolin

Bachelor of Design

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Shadow on the Wall [pages from the book]

The young girl reveals that she has never spoken to her friends about her mother's Shadow because she is afraid of what they may say. Her mother hasn't spoken to her either because she is afraid of scaring her. This part of the book highlights the importance of communication between parent and child as not talking about depression openly makes it more difficult for both parties.

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