COFA Annual 2012

[ A ]Dressing The Body (2012)
  • Re: Repair, Rebuild, Revitalise (2011)

  • Pin (2010)

  • Solstice (2010)

  • Solstice (2010)

  • Something Old, Something New (2011)

  • What Lies Beneath (2010)

  • What Lies Beneath (2010)

  • 1950’S Dressing Table (2009)

  • Abstracting Venus (2011)

  • [ A ]Dressing The Body (2012)

  • [ A ]Dressing The Body (2012)

  • [ A ]Dressing The Body (2012)

  • [ A ]Dressing The Body (2012)

  • [ A ]Dressing The Body (2012)

Erin Ryan

Bachelor of Design / Bachelor of Art Education

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Major Design Project. A conceptual exploration aiming to investigate the body landscape and the physical restrictions and extremes people go to seek an ‘ideal’ form of beauty. The project explores the issue of body image from a unique and personal interpretation, the designed and experimental objects aim to inform and celebrate the body and its beauty during a time that is quite misleading about the ideal. Full body piece. Machine and hand sewn silk fabric, copper wire inserts, textured copper sheet with detail stitching.

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